tack Cart

Great News!
Opstals Equestrian Interior and Emmers Equestrian are pleased to announce that they have entered into an exclusive partnership!
Discover now the high-quality saddle carts, designed and manufactured by Opstals Equestrian Interior, which are available in Emmers Equestrian’s stores as well as its web shop! Perfect for stylish and practical storage of your saddles and other equestrian equipment.
And on top of it all, together we will give a saddle car as a gift to the winner of the Pro Tour XXL Finals Indoor at Peelbergen Equestrian Centre in Kronenberg from March 7 to 10, 2024.
More information? Visit: PRO Tour XXL Finals Indoor (peelbergen.eu)
Curious about our saddle wagons or want more information? Take a look at the website of: Opstals Equestrian Interior via: emmers.eu/zadelwagen